Coming together for “Community Sharing” at Jadu

Fatima Yousif
4 min readMar 14, 2021


Week 5 was all fun and games. Yet was my favorite countdown week so far. From this week I will highlight 5 of my key takeaways, as I have thought to start this chain of keypoints after every week’s respective number.

In week 4 I looked forward to preparing myself for 2 things; My mids examinations and working on Jadu projects and learning side by side. On which I have achieved both so far. But setting an agenda for the next week is just about Mid Term Examinations for my Fifth semester, surprisingly.

Week 5 was a head start to learning JavaScript to the title of this blog “Coming together for Community Sharing at Jadu”.

JavaScript- Buzzword for functionality to FrontEnd Web Apps

After spending a year or more on FrontEnd web development I can conclude designing(applying the right CSS at the right place) is just not my thing, even after how hard I try. So now I let my “sigh of relief” come after that we started working on JavaScript.

JavaScript in itself simply provides functional web apps. JavaScript is a programming language and a scripting language used commonly today.

Week 5- Day 1 and 3: JS introduction

To start JS (JavaScript) we installed Node.js, providing a simple interface to run JS files other than on browser (where we mostly run our JS scripts).

Once it's installed you can cross check it using:

Node -v (for checking version)

open your terminal on VS code working file. To run the JS script there

Type: Node filename.js

JS like any other programming language has some basics to cover as we go down deeper.

Some important concepts:

Variable: Stores a value.

Scope: Variable’s availability. (const, let, var)

Data Types: Type of incoming data value.

  • Integers
  • Floats
  • Strings
  • boolean (true/false)
  • Null
  • Undefined

Control Statements: Used when to break the flow of a sequential or loop-ing flow of the program.

  • if-else
  • nested if-else
  • Switch

Loops: A repetitively carried task.

  • for loop
  • while loop
  • do-while loop

Arrays: Stores values of same data type collectively with one name for all the variables but with different indexes.

int a=[1,2,3];                             //array of numbers

Objects: KEY-VALUE pair, dictionary-like.

let a={                                      //a is the objectkey: “value”,name: “Fatima”}

Week 5- Day 2: Community Sharing

The day I first engaged with my wider extended Jadu family and got to know each one of them individually and how they were sharing their thoughts and ideas, and what made them stand out. Every individual shines in his/her POVs and so did everyone at Jadu shared their understanding. Unfortunately, poor to situations, couldn't video communicate with them but was watching them speak all this time. So have made up my mind to share the thoughts live from the next sessions onwards, so as to live in those rare moments. The talk was a general discussion on “Community sharing”, the asks and pointers one was supposed to give about their experience.

My Community sharing thoughts:

Google DSC MUET, Jamshoro

A community is a family of not just 2 individuals but a broader concept of Multiple individuals sharing the same goals and ideas. I, being a lead at Google Developer Student Clubs, DSC at MUET, Jamshoro, had a lot to say about my so far experience about this topic, but time constraints sometimes let you summarize your far thoughts. As thoughts to me is an endless river flowing.

The best Example and experience of community for me were at TechKaro and Google DSC. Wherever I will go, I will keep my head up for the fact, I have been blessed to have been working with these two of my “most-close” communities of amazing people.


Because I have seen my team members ace and be happy after being known to a certain group of people, and seeing the happiness in their eyes, feels bliss. So any platform can be a place to fathom the true you and unlock your potentials.

And all of a sudden someone speaking about “Sports” arose the bigger emotional part of me, where I couldn't stop myself saying YES to every word said about it and how one should involve themselves in it, as a healthy recreational activity side by side academics.

5 key takeaways:

  1. JS is the best non-existent escape from the FrontEnd designing phase.
  2. Share your ideas and interact with your fellows.
  3. Follow the good and best practices of others.
  4. Everyone shares or has an experience uncovered yet so worthy to be shared. So a little tip to everyone, JUST LET YOUR THOUGHTS FLOW.
  5. Unlock your potentials.

I look forward to other same sessions in the future, where I will get the podium to speak my thoughts more!

This brings week 5 to an end.

